API SPEC 5L《管线钢管规范》是广泛应用于世界石油天然气输送钢管生产、检验和使用的重要基础标准。依据美国石油学会(API)2012年12月发布的第45版API SPEC 5L英文版,对照2007年第44版API SPEC 5L和API在2009—2011年期间发出的3个补遗,按照标准章节顺序,从总体结构、规范性引用文件、钢管钢级及交货状态、购方提供信息、制造、验收极限、检验试验方法和附录入手,分析了新标准的主要变化情况,便于标准使用者总体了解新版标准的主要变化情况,利于新版标准2013年7月1日后的正式实施。
API SPEC 5L Specification for Line Pipe is an important basic standard which is widely used in production, inspection and usage of transporting petroleum and natural gas steel pipe.Based on API SPEC 5L english version (45th edition ) issued in December of 2012 by American Petroleum Institute(API), compared with API SPEC 5L(44th edition) issued in 2007 and three addendums issued between 2009 and 2011, according to the standard section sequence, it analyzed the main changes from the overall structure ,normative reference, steel pipe grade, delivery state, information provided by the purchaser, manufacturing, acceptance limit, inspection and test methods, and appendix. This will make users to overall understand the major changes and help to implement new standard officially on July 1.
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