

An Efficient Routing Protocol of Vehicular Networks
摘要 研究车辆网络中的路由问题,提出一种有效的路由协议。利用秘书问题的思想,该路由协议可以有效地选择对哪些车辆进行消息拷贝,因而提高发送成功率。基于真实车辆行驶数据的仿真实验表明,相比较其它方法,本文提出的路由协议可以实现更高的发送成功率。 The routing problem in vehicular networks is investigated. An efficient routing protocol is proposed. By taking advan- tage of the idea of the secretary problem, the proposed routing protocol can efficiently choose which vehicles to copy messages, so that it can improve delivery ratio. Real trace-driven simulations are conducted. Performance results demonstrate that, compared with an alternative protocol, the proposed routing protocol can achieve higher delivery ratio.
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2013年第8期137-139,共3页 Computer and Modernization
关键词 车辆网络 路由协议 秘书问题 优化 平均相邻通信时间间隔 vehicular networks routing protocol secretary problem optimization mean inter-contact time
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