
社会转型时期英国贵族教育变革的原因 被引量:2

Reasons of Education Revolution of English Nobility during Transformation Period
摘要 16-18世纪是英国社会转型时期,也是英国贵族的教育文化活动发生革命性变化的时期。这种教育变革不仅是贵族阶层对激烈的社会变迁做出的积极反应,也是其自身为维护统治地位及各种特权而发自内部的需求。既有为应对来自新兴阶层对贵族统治地位和特权优势的冲击,迎合人文主义和宗教改革思想方面的变化,也有源自贵族作为天然统治者自身要求改变教育模式,追求完美绅士形象及更好胜任公职和处理经济事务的需要。这一系列的原因吸引着贵族们积极投身于教育变革之中。 The 16th --18th century was the transformation period of British society, and the revolutionary period of the education revolution of English nobility. The education revolution was not only a positive responding of the nobility to the fierce social changes, but also their inner requirement to maintain their dominance and all kinds of privileges. The education revolution were to cope with the impact upon their dominance and privilege advantages from the burgeoning class, and to cater to the changes in humanism and religious reform thoughts, and came from the nobility themselves who were horn to be rulers requiring education mode reform in order to pursue perfect gentlemen image, to be more competent for office and to deal with economic affairs. Meanwhile their dominant position made it more convenient for the nobility to receive education. All the reasons above attracted the nobility to devote themselves to the education revolution.
作者 袁娇
出处 《沈阳大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期476-478,共3页 Journal of Shenyang University:Social Science
关键词 社会转型时期 英国贵族 教育变革 transformation period of society English nobility education revolution
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