

The Logogenetic Pattern and Theme of Carouse Pleasee
摘要 《将进酒》是李白乐府诗中的代表作,诗人用清新自然的语言、丰富奇特的想象及大胆贴切的夸张展现了自己奔放豪迈的气势,也表达了自己蔑视权贵,反抗传统束缚,追求自由和理想的积极精神。功能文体学为我们分析诗歌的结构潜势及意象表达提供了一个理论分析框架,通过分析诗歌的逻辑意义和经验功能探讨诗歌的语篇生成过程,进而归纳出诗歌的象征意义及主题。 Carouse Please, written by the great poet Li Bai, is one of the most prestigious poems in history. The poet expresses his self-awareness, high spirit and vigor by his genuine and unaffected words, rich and varied imagination and bold and appropriate exaggeration. This poem fully declares his ideal and proactive spirit of despising dignitaries, revolting bondage and pursuing freedom. Functional stylistics pro- vides us with a theoretical framework for the analysis of its logical metafunction, experiential metafunction and its logogenetic process in order to reveal its symbolic meaning and theme.
出处 《宁波教育学院学报》 2013年第4期57-61,共5页 Journal of Ningbo Institute of Education
关键词 逻辑意义 经验意义 话语发生过程 主题 logical metafunction experiential metafunction logogenetic' process theme
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