After Very High Resolution(VHR) radar satellite missions like TerraSAR-X, Cosmo-Skymed and RadarSat-2 have been launched in 2007, spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images reach spatial resolution below 1 m in azimuth and range in spotlight mode. In such kind of data, radar signals represen ting single building are disturbuted over a high number of resolution cells, which makes SAR to monitor urban areas possible. However, due to the complexity of urban environment,interpretation and application of SAR data still turns out to be challenging and time consuming. SAR images simulation,which can reduce the difficulty,is becoming increasingly popular. A novel method of SAR images simultion based on extend ed ray tracing procedure was introduced. The simulator, which has an important role in analysis of images, can effectly simulate scatterring effects of SAR images,such as layover,shadow and multiple bounce. First- ly,a virtual SAR system was formed. For the sensor,rays were transmited and received. The pathes of the rays and the interaction with objects were traced by the simulator. Signals from different reflection levels could be stored in seperated image layers. For evaluating the effectiveness of the simulation approach, simu latd images were compared with real TerraSAR-X images for several models like a building with plane-roof and gable-roof,National Gymnasiem and an extended scene containing numbers of building models. The re sults show that the simulation can provide very valuable information to detect interpret complex SAR ima- ges changes.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application