Objective To analyse Foshou yam polysaccharide and its constituent structural. METHODS Foshou yam as raw materi- al, using the extraction method of water extract - alcohol precipitation, through a series of separation and purification steps get polysaccharide components. Use the UV, IR, TLC and other modem instrument analysis methods to analyze polysaccharide structure. CONCLUSION two neutral polysaccharide components( YPa - I and YPa - Ⅱ) and an acidic polysaecharide(YPbs) are obtained. UV analysis shows that three types of polysaccharide are not contains proteins, nucleic acids and polypeptides, and IR scanning proves that three kinds of polysac- charide have the characteristic absorption peak of polysaccharide. TLC analysis of the monosaccharide composition of three kinds of polysac- charide shows that the neutral polysacchafide YPa - I ' s monosaccharide composition is arabinose, fructose and glucose. The neutral poly- saecharide YPa- II's monosaccharide composition is fructose, mannose and glucose, the acidic polysaccharide YPbs' s monosaccharide composition is xylose, galactose and glucose. With multi -angle laser light scattering detector and refractive index detector, gel permeation chromatography determined molecular weight of yam polysaccharide, the yam neutral polysaccharide components of YPa - I , YPa - II aver- age molecular weights are 65086 and 20982 respectively. The yam acidic polysaeeharide component YPbs average molecular weight is 34780.
Journal of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine
Foshou yam
yam active polysaccharides