
欧盟新技术法规(EU 168/2013)中功能安全及增强功能安全的分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Functional Safety and Enhanced Functional Safety of New EU Technical Regulations (EU 168/2013)
摘要 欧盟2013年1月15日发布关于摩托车的新技术法规(EU 168/2013)。EU 168/2013主要涉及两轮或三轮车辆和四轮车批准和市场监督。提高车辆的安全性,将车辆装备或技术引入技术法规,功能安全及增强功能安全是EU 168/2013重点之一。本文对EU 168/2013中功能安全概念、功能安全要求、型式批准为目标功能安全要求、增强功能安全要求进行分析并提出应对方法。 On January 15, 2013, EU released on new technical regulations (EU 168/2013) about the motorcycle. EU 168/2013 mainly related to the approval and market surveillance of two-or three-wheeled vehicles and quadricycles. Improving the vehicle safety, introducing the vehicle equipment or technology to the technical regulations, functional safety and enhanced the functional safety security are the main points of EU 168/2013. In this paper, we analysis and put forward corresponding measures to concept of functional safety, functional safety requirements, type approval as a target functional safety requirements, enhanced functional safety requirements in EU 168/2013.
出处 《中国个体防护装备》 2013年第4期30-34,共5页 China Personal Protective Equipment
关键词 摩托车 EU 168 2013 批准 市场监督 功能安全 增强功能安全 motorcycles EU 168/2013 approval market surveillance functional safety enhanced functionalsafety
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