考察了微波预处理对剩余污泥的破解效果,并且对以原污泥和微波预处理污泥为底物的微生物燃料电池的产电性能和有机物去除效果进行了比较。结果表明,微波预处理可以加速污泥中有机物质的溶出,以微波预处理污泥为底物的微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)的产电性能提高,污泥TCOD去除率增加。以原污泥为底物的MFC的稳定输出电压为0.607 V,最大输出功率为2.79 W·m-3,经MFC处理8 d后的TCOD去除率为28.02%,而以5 W·mL-1微波预处理5 min的预处理污泥为底物的MFC稳定电压输出为0.7 V,最大输出功率为3.78 W·m-3,MFC处理8 d后有机物去除率为43.73%。对污泥进行微波预处理可提高MFC的产电性能,加速MFC对污泥的降解。
To examine the disintegration of sludge by microwave pretreatment, the electricity generation and organic matter removal of two microbial fuel cells (MFC) based on the pretreated sludge and the original sludge were compared. The experimental results showed that the microwave pretreatment accelerated dissolution of the organic matter in the sludge; improved the electrical properties of the MFC and increased the TCOD removal. With the raw sludge for electrical generation by microbial fuel cells, it was found that the stable output voltage was 0. 607 V ; the maximum output power density was 2.79 W · m ^-3 ; and the TCOD removal efficiency was 28.02% after running for 8 days. With the microwave ( intensity of 5 W · mL^- 1 for 5 min) pretreated sludge, the stable output voltage was O. 70 V, the maximum output power density was 3.78 W · m^-3 and the TCOD removal efficiency was 43.73%. In conclusion, microwave pretreatment can speed up the degradation of the sludge and therefore improve the electrical generation from the MFC.
Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University