采用溶胶-凝胶法制备酞菁-TiO2光催化剂,并分别掺杂铁、铜、钴、镍元素。酞菁作为光敏化剂,提高TiO2在可见光下对有机染料的降解效果。采用SEM对催化剂进行表征,研究在可见光下酞菁-TiO2光催化剂对5种有机染料(甲基橙、甲基红、甲酚紫、亚甲基蓝和孔雀石绿)的降解效果,结果表明,酞菁铁-TiO2,酞菁钴-TiO2,酞菁铜-TiO2,酞菁镍-TiO2均能有效降解这几种有机染料,光催化反应300 min后降解率达92%。比较4种催化剂对甲基橙的降解率,酞菁钴-TiO2催化剂降解效果最明显,以下是酞菁铁、酞菁镍和酞菁铜-TiO2催化剂。
in this study, 4 types of phthalocyanine - TiO_2 catalysts were prepared by Sol - gel meth- od, each added with one metal ( iron, copper, cobalt and nickel). The degradation effect of phthalo- cyanine - TiO_2 catalysts on 5 organic dyes ( methyl orange, methyl red, cresyl violet, methylene blue and malachite green) under visible light were tested. The result showed that, all the 4 types catalysts had as good degradation effect as up to 92% degradation rate after 30 minutes since the photo cata- lytic reaction. The degradation activity was ranked for the four catalysts in the descending order as : iron, cobalt, nickel, copper - added phthalocyanine - TiO_2 phtocatalyst.
Environmental Protection and Technology