针对分隔膜对微生物燃料电池产电特性的影响问题,采用截留分子质量(MWCO)分别为4 ku、10 ku、30 ku和100 ku的4种不同超滤膜(UF)作为分隔膜材料进行了基础研究.通过SEM观察,各反应器阳极表面附着形态相同的产电微生物.阶段运行结果表明:4种UF膜中库伦效率最大为4.15%,功率密度最大为113.3mW/m3,内阻随截留分子质量的增大依次为UF(4 ku)211Ω,UF(10 ku)297Ω,UF(30 ku)157Ω,UF(100ku)241Ω;产电结束后各超滤膜MFC的阳极室出水COD均低于80 mg/L,对COD去除率均达到85%以上,出水pH几乎保持不变;采用聚醚砜材质的UF膜(30 ku)功率密度最大,内阻最小,产电性能最为优良.
The electricity production of four different uhrafihration (UF) membranes with molecular weight cut off (MWCO) 4 ku, 10 ku, 30 ku, 100 ku is analyzed, which is used respectively as diaphragm material in the dual-chamber microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Through the observation by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), it is found that electricigens with similar shape attach to the anode surface of reactor. The staged runing results show that the best coulombic efficiency and power density are 4.15% and 113.3 mW/m3 respectively. And with the increase of MWCO, the internal resistance is 211 12 by using UF (4 ku), followed by UF (10 ku) 297 12, UF (30 ku) 157 12 and UF ( 100 ku) 241 ft. After the electricity production, the effluent COD in anode chamber of UF membranes MFC is below 80 mg/L, COD removal efficiency reaches 85%, and the effluent pH remains almost unchanged. In all, UF (30 ku) made of polyethersulfone has the maximum power density, minimum internal resistance, and the most excellent performance of electricity production.
Journal of Tiangong University