

China Threat:The Soft Power Version and Its Deficiencies——The Case of Southeast Asia
摘要 近年来,在中国同东南亚关系的问题上,美国政界和学界有不少人士颇为热衷于"中国软实力威胁论"。本文从近十几年美国和中国的东南亚政策以及东南亚国家的反应等方面入手,对这一新版威胁论的分析框架提出质疑:美国在东南亚软实力的相对下降主要是由美国自身政策以及东南亚各国在外交上的战略选择引起的;"中国软实力威胁论"的缺陷在于夸大中国在东南亚的软实力,回避美国自身政策应当承担的责任,同时还忽视东南亚国家的自主性。 In recent years, many people in American political and academic circle are quite keen on "the soft pow- er version of China threat", especially on the problems of the relationship between China and Southeast Asia. This article, by reviewing America's and China's policies towards Southeast Asia in the recent years and analyzing South- east Asian countries' policy responses, represents a challenge to that idea. The article finds that the relative de- crease of American soft power in Southeast Asia is attributable to America's own policy and Southeast Asian coun- tries' strategic choice in their foreign policy; and the deficiencies underlying the soft power version of China threat consist of three parts: overstating China's soft power in Southeast Asia, avoiding the mentioning of America's own responsibility for the decline of its soft power in Southeast Asia, and overlooking the agency of East Asian countries in the politics of the region.
作者 顾国平
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期32-40,共9页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 北京第二外国语学院科研"种子计划"资助
关键词 美国 中国 东南亚 “中国软实力威胁论” the United States China Southeast Asia the Soft Power Version of China Threat
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  • 2Joseph S. Nye, Jr. , "The Rise of China's Soft Pow- er", Wall Street Journal, December 29, 2005. 被引量:1
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  • 7Roger C. Altman, "The Great Crash, 2008," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 88, No. 1, January/February 2009, pp. 622 - 647. 被引量:1
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