Petroleum engineering and technology service will become the core competitive Ilelo in petroleum industry. Petroleum engineering and technology service firms' competitiveness is determined based on their capabilities to identify and satisfy customers' key demand with creation of customer value. This paper takes a view of the logic relations among customer value, business key capabilities and firms' competitiveness, identifies customers' key demand and analyzes firm's key capabilities from perspective of customer value creation with the consideration of petroleum engineering and technology services industry's characteristics, and explores the advantage of employing the integrated service mode in the industry. With the use of AHP method petroleum engineering and technology service firm's key capabilities are identified as marketing, technology & equipment, engineering project management and financing. Business policies and measures for enhancing the firm's key capabilities in petroleum engineering and technology service industry are discussed as well. The competitive environment of petroleum engineering and technology service industry has changed and firms are facing a variety of new challenges. In order to confront the changing environment and be competitive firms have innovated business model by transforming service mode and providing integrated service, which has become the industry's development trend. A firm's business competitiveness is determined by whether it can identify customers' key demand and create customer value, this requires that the firm should cultivate and build up its key capabilities to do so. There are the logic relations among customer value, firm's key capacities and firm's business competitiveness. Customer value is driven by customers' key demand which is determined by customers' demand characteristics. The capabilities of identifying and satisfying the customers' key demand are the most important drivers for the customer value creation. For identifying k
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
petroleum engineering
technology service
customer value
business key capability
competi-tive advantage