
大鼠口服自身给药酒精依赖模型的建立 被引量:1

Establishment of Ethanol Dependent Model on Oral Self-administration in Rats
摘要 目的:探讨建立大鼠口服自身给药酒精依赖模型的可行性。方法:给予模型组大鼠6%(v/w)的酒精水溶液,对照组饮纯净水连续30天,每隔6天模型组大鼠称体重1次,记录饮酒量及饮水量;另外将分别装有6%(v/w)酒精水溶液和纯净水的饮水瓶放置于每一饲养笼测试2组大鼠酒精水溶液自由选择4小时,15:00PM^19:00PM,每天互换位置;同时记录自由选择前后饮水瓶重量以检测大鼠饮酒量和酒精偏爱。30天后进行戒断症状评分。结果:酒精戒断4~6hr症状评分模型组与对照组大鼠比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),而且运用酒精、水溶液自由选择2瓶法测试4小时模型组大鼠的饮酒量和酒精偏爱与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:采用自由获得2瓶选择法可建立稳定大鼠酒依赖模型。 Objective: To explore establishing model of ethanol oral self - administration in rats. Methods: The model group was supplied with using ethanol solution (6% ,v/w) as the sole drinking source,and purified water were available ad libitum in the control group for 30 days; Ethanol drinking and water drinking were recorded after the model group was weighed one time every 6 days ; In addition, Ethanol intake and ethanol preference were measured between the model and the control group in the 4 - hours two bottles free choice paradigm; Withdrawal symptoms were assessed after 30 days; Results: There were significant difference between the model and control group about 4 -6 hours after withdrawal (P 〈 0.001 ), Furthermore, there were also significant difference between the model and control group in the 4 hours two bottles free choice paradigm( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion: Stable ethanol dependent model was established by using a free - access and two -bottle choice paradigm.
出处 《中国伤残医学》 2013年第8期83-86,共4页 Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine
基金 国家十一五重大基础研究与发展项目(2007BAI07B01) 973子课题(2009CB52000) 国家自然科学基金(30670676) 广东省清远市科技计划项目(2010B92)
关键词 酒精依赖 自身给药 自由获得2瓶选择法 Ethanol dependence Self - administration Free - access and two bottle choice paradigm
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