
企业间要素重配能够提升中国制造业的生产率吗?——来自我国制造业企业数据的经验证据 被引量:4

Factors Inter-enterprise Reallocations and China's Manufacturing Productivity Growth
摘要 基于2002~2007年的制造业微观企业数据,本文使用一个全新的实证框架,研究了企业间要素重配对中国制造业生产率增长的影响作用。我们发现,虽然目前我国市场扭曲程度较高,但是市场化改革的努力已经使得企业间要素重配成为制造业生产率增长极其重要的原因;由于中间投入对要素重配具有乘数效应,其产生的要素重配效应占据了最大份额;企业的进入、退出市场行为在要素重配中也表现突出。进一步的研究表明,外商直接投资、出口等市场化行为对促进企业间要素重配起非常重要的作用,而国有资本比重等因素却对要素重配产生负面影响。 Have the factors inter-enterprise reallocations become a major force of China's manufacturing productivity growth? Based on 2002—2007 data of manufacturing micro-enterprises,this article uses a new empirical framework to study this important issue.We found that,although a higher degree of market distortions in China,but the market-oriented reform efforts have been made the factors inter-enterprise reallocations become extremely important reason of manufacturing productivity growth;as intermediate inputs reallocation with a multiplier effect,which produces the reallocations accounted for the largest share;the market behavior of plants to enter and exit are also equipped with outstanding performance.Further studies have shown that foreign direct investment,export promotion and other market-oriented behavior play a very important role in factors inter-enterprise reallocations,but the proportion of state-owned capital has a negative impact.
出处 《产业经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期60-69,共10页 Industrial Economics Research
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"应对国际资源环境变化挑战与加快我国经济发展方式转变研究"(项目编号:09&ZD021) 浙江省社科重点研究基地"温州人经济研究中心"重点课题(项目编号:10JDWZ02Z)
关键词 要素重配 制造业 生产率增长 市场扭曲 PL方法 factors reallocations manufacturing productivity growth misallocation PL method
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