With the growing population aging in China,the academic community and the publicask for the adjustment of the one - child birth control policy. It is an important issue how different population policy affects the Chinese economy. According to the head of household age and family size of the household, we divided the household sector in the CGE model in to 12 groups, and analyze the impact of different policy on the China' s economic growth and structure using CGE model. The research results show thatthe baseline scenario which the government im- plement the two children policy has the highest level of per capital GDP, the Low scenario which implement stringently the" one child" family planning policy has the lowest GDP growth rate and level of GDP per capita, when the government completely relax the population policies in HIGH scenario, economic growth of High scenario is the highest , but per capita GDP level is not as good as the baseline scenario. Moreover, the High scenario put huge pressure on the environment' s resources. Therefore, from the perspective of per capita GDP and environmental pressures, China should implement population policy in the baseline scenario, it isnot only conducive to improve economic development, but also to reduce the pressure on environment.
Population and Development
demographic policy
economic growth
consumption structure
industry structure