作者首先阐述了ISO90 0 0族的内涵。其次论述了ISO90 0 0族标准的特点。第三是介绍了实施ISO90 0 0族的做法 ,即 :①组织强有力的骨干班子 ,并率先学习ISO90 0 0族理论 ;②建立质量管理体系的文件框架 ,组织人员编写质量手册为中心的质量管理文件 ;③落实管理体系的运转 ;④建立正规的内审机构 ,要选拔责任心强的人担任内审员 ,并请认证公司对其进行培训和颁发资格证书 ;⑤组织认证。第四是体会 :①ISO90 0 0族标准是世界质量管理的总结 ,是全面质量管理的发展与完善 ;②强调预防为主 ;③提高医院知名度 ;④医务人员工作有章可循 ,责任明确 ;⑤病人利益占主导地位 ;⑥有利于把改革引向深入。
First of all the authors expound what is embodied by ISO9000. Then they discuss its characteristics. Thirdly, they give an account of how their hospital implemented ISO9000. The methods include: ①forming a strong core member group which took the lead in studying the theory of ISO9000; ②establishing the framework of documents concerning the quality control system and forming a group responsible for compiling a quality handbook-centered quality control documents; ③putting into effect the quality control system; ④setting up a formal internal examination body with people having a strong sense of responsibility as members and inviting an attestation agency to conduct training for these people and issuing them credentials; and ⑤conducting attestation. Fourthly the authors offer their experience. ①ISO9000 is the summation of worldwide quality control as well as the development and perfection of total quality control. ②Priority should be given to prevention. ③The notability of the hospital must be enhanced. ④Medical workers should have rules to follow in their work and be clear about their responsibilities. ⑤Patients interests should hold sway. And ⑥ implementation of ISO9000 is conducive to the deepening of reform.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration