目的 :通过分析归纳了脊柱不稳固的X线表现、临床症状及新的测量方法。方法 :对 73例脊柱不稳固的腰骶椎片均用笔者自己设计的测量方法与Ferguson’s测量法进行比较 ,认为前者测量法较准确、方便 ,亦符合身体持重线力的规律。结果 :本组病例统计以青壮年男性患者多见 (占 68.5 % ) ,脊柱不稳固的产生与先天性的脊柱结构性缺陷及后天性的运动量、姿势、负重有一定的关系。结论 :应用改进后的摄影、测量方法可以提高对本病X线诊断的水平。
Objective:To study the X ray features,clinical signs and new method of measurement of unstability of lumbar spine.Methods:Lumbo sacral region X ray pictures of 73 cases of spinal unstability were analysed.The lumbo sacral angle was measured according to the method established by the author,and this method was compared with that established by Ferguson.Results:Unstability of lumbar spine occurred more often in younger and adult males(68.5%).The method of measurement used by the author was more accurate and simple.There was certain relationship between spinal unstability and congenital spinal structural defects and acquired status,movement and loading of the spine.Conclusion:Using the method of radiography and measurement established by the author,the diagnostic accuracy of the unstability of the lumbar spine could be improved.
Radiologic Practice