作者对我国护理科研滞后的原因进行了综合分析 ,认为缺乏科研意识、管理薄弱、科研潜力不足、资源匮乏及缺乏动力是重要因素。提出改变这种状态需从加强科研意识、完善管理机制、提高整体素质、注重培养学科带头人及重视信息资源等方面入手。
To analysis the reason for the lagging of nursing reseasch in China. Related data from different sources were analyzed. Lack of the sense of resarch, weakness in management, insufficient potential for research and lack of resource, and impetus were the main reason for lagging of nursing research. Many reason for lagging of nursing research were analyzed, some suggestions, such as reinforce the sense of research, improving management mechanism, fortering the subject's leading person and pay attention to information exchange, were put forward to improve the existing sitration.
Journal of Nurses Training