目的通过对不同心率256层CT前瞻性心电门控冠状动脉成像质量的比较,探讨心率对前瞻性电门控冠状动脉CT血管造影(Computed Tomography Angioplasty,CTA)的影响。方法不同心率冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(CHD)患者分为3组进行前瞻性心电门控冠脉扫描.并采用容积重组(VR)、最大密度投影(MIP)、多平面重组(MPR)等多种重组技术显示各节段冠状动脉,图像质量根据对诊断影响分为优、良、差,进行统计学分析。结果低心率组患者可评估的冠状动脉血管段数为622段,图像质量优、良者为97.3%(605/622);中等心率组患者可评估的冠状动脉血管段数为628段,图像质量优、良者为98.1%(616/628);高心率组患者可评估的冠状动脉血管段数为625段,图像质量优、良者为89.9%(562/625);组间冠状动脉节段图像质量比较:低中组χ2=0.93、P>0.05,无统计学意义;中高组χ2=37.15、P<0.01,有显著性差别;低高组χ2=28.03、P<0.01,差异有显著性意义。结论心率是影响患者冠状动脉CTA图像质量的重要因素,适当放宽前瞻性心电门控冠脉成像的心率要求,可以获得满足诊断要求的图像。前瞻性心电门控冠脉成像有广阔的应用空间。
Objective To investigate the impact of different HR (Heart Rate) on image quality with the prospectively ECG-Iriggered coronary artery 256-slice CTA (Computerized Tomography Angiography) through contrasts with the quality of CTA images. Methods The prospectively ECG-triggered coronary artery 256-slice CTA was performed in CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) patients who were divided into three groups (Low HR Group, Moderate HR Group and High HR Group) according to different heart rates. To manifest each segment of coronary arteries, various reconstruction techniques of the images were utilized such as MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection), VR (Volume Rendering) and MPR (Multi-planar Reconstruction). Then, the images were classified into three levels (excellent, acceptable and tmacceptable) in accordance with their impacts on diagnosis of CHD. On the basis of that, statistical analysis was made. Results A total of 622 segments of coronary arteries were available in Low HR Group with excellent and acceptable images accounting for 97.3% (605/622). There were 628 effective segments of coronary arteries obtained in Moderate HR Group with excellent and acceptable images occupying 98.1% (616/628). Among 625 effective segments of coronary arteries aCXluired in High HR Group, excellent and acceptable images took up 89.9% (562/625). In comparisons of image quality between the three groups, statistical significance could be shown as follows: no statistical significance between Low HR Group and Moderate FIR Group(X2=0.93, P〉0.05); statistically significant differences between Moderate HR Group and High HR Group (X2=37.15, P〈0.01); statistically significant differences between Low HR Group and High HR Group (X2=28.03, P〈0.01). Conclusion The heart rate is an important factor that affects the quality of coronary artery CTA images. Proper relexations of the restricted heart rate in prospectively ECG-triggered coronary artery CTA make satisfactory images accessible for diagno
China Medical Devices
X-ray computer
coronary angiography
heart rate