
基于层级血管树的肝脏分段方法 被引量:1

Liver segmentation method based on hierarchical vascular tree
摘要 针对经典肝脏功能性分段方法对门静脉血管数据的敏感性,结合Couinaud肝脏分段理论和门静脉分布特征,提出了基于层级血管树的肝脏分段方法。首先,对腹腔CT数据进行肝脏分割、血管提取和骨架化;接着,统计分析血管树分支半径,确定二级子树集合,按照供血区域对二级子树进行聚类完成对二级子树的归类划分;进而,采用最短距离归类算法划分肝脏,得到各个肝段;最后,运用三维可视化方法展现肝脏内部的解剖结构,并进行肝段诠析,提取临床感兴趣信息。实验结果表明:该方法对分支较多、结构较复杂的血管树可以取得较好的分级效果,考虑了大部分二级分支的供血作用,分割得到的肝段分布和属性信息也符合Couinaud肝段分割理论。 For the sensitivity of the portal vein data to classical liver functional segmentation method, a liver segmentation method based on hierarchical vascular tree combined with the Couinaud theory and portal vein distribution characteristics was proposed. Firstly, liver and vessels were extracted from the abdominal CT image by image segmentation and skeletonization methods. Secondly, secondary subtree set was determined through statistical analysis on average radius of vascular branches, so as to divide the secondary subtree set into several different classes by k-means + + clustering algorithm according to their own blood-supply area. Thirdly, shortest distance based classification algorithm was used to segment the liver into parts. Finally, the internal anatomical structure of liver and its vascular system were demonstrated using three-dimensional visualization technology, and then annotations were made on liver segments to extract clinical interest information. The experimental result shows that the method can obtain good results when vascular tree contains plenty branches and complex structure. Furthermore, for considering the impact of major secondary branches, the final liver segment distribution and attribute results are in line with the Couinaud liver segment theory.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2658-2661,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61103070) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(0800219171)
关键词 腹腔CT图像 层级血管树 肝脏分段 诠析 三维可视化 abdominal CT image hierarchical vascular tree liver segmentation annotation 3D visualization
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