目的分析高角拔牙病例正畸治疗前后牙齿位移与软组织颏部位置及曲线形态改变的相关性。方法对60例高角拔牙病例(Ⅰ或Ⅱ类骨面型)正畸治疗前后的头颅定位侧位片进行7项牙性指标,3项骨性指标及2项软组织指标的定点测量分析,再通过Pearson简单直线相关分析,偏相关分析以及多元线性回归分析研究软硬组织变化的相关性。结果 Pearson简单直线相关分析证实,7项牙性指标中与软组织指标面角的改变相关的指标为U6-PP距与L6-MP距之和及U1-PP距;与软组织指标颏沟倾角的改变相关的为U6-PP距与L6-MP距之和、L1-NB距、U1-PP距及L1-MP距。偏相关分析显示U6-PP距与L6-MP距改变之和与面角和颏沟倾角的改变为强相关,且为间接相关。多元线性回归分析筛选出对面角和颏沟倾角的改变影响力较大的牙性指标:对面角影响大的只有U6-PP距与L6-MP距之和;对颏沟倾角影响大的有2项牙性指标,并按影响力大小排序:U6-PP距与L6-MP距之和的影响力大于L1-NB距。结论在高角拔牙病例的正畸治疗中磨牙高度的改变与颏部位置及曲线形态的改变密切相关。
Objective To analyze the crelationship between the teeth movement and changes of contour of soft tissue chin in high-angle extraction cases. Methods Sixty extraction cases with high mandibular plane angle and Class I or II skeletal relationships were selected. Cephalometric analysis included 7 dental measurements ,3 skeletal measurements and 2 soft tissue measurements. Statistical correlation analysis included Pearson correlation test, partial correlation analysis and linear regression analysis. Results Changes of ( U6-PP + L6-MP) distance and U1-PP distance were correlated with the changes of NsPos/FH angle. Changes of (U6-PP + L6-MP) and L1-NB and UI-PP distances as well as L1-MP distance were correlated with the changes of B'Pos/FH angle. The correlation between changes of (U6-PP + L6-MP) distance and NsPos/FH angle as well as B'Pos/FH angle were strong and indirect. (U6-PP + 1.6-MP) distance had the most powerful influence on NsPos/FH angle. Both (U6-PP + L6-MP) distance and L1-NB distance had powerful influence on B'Pos/FH angle ,but( U6-PP + L6-MP)distance was more powerful than L1-NB distance. Conclusion In high angle extraction cases the changes of molar height was related closely to the changes of position and contour of soft tissue chin.
Beijing Journal of Stomatology
High angle cases
Soft tissue chin
Molar height