目的探讨老年低血糖昏迷患者的易患原因及临床治疗转归。方法选取我院从2007年2月至2012年3月所收治的35例老年低血糖昏迷患者及35例无低血糖昏迷的糖尿病患者作为临床研究对象,所有低血糖患者一旦确诊,立刻建立静脉通道,给予吸氧和50%的葡萄糖40~100mL静注。结果 35例低血糖患者当中,30例在数分钟至数小时后回复意识清醒,且在1周内陆续出院,其中有4例出现显著的记忆力减退与反应迟钝。死亡5例,其中3例由于发病至治疗时间太长,因此分别在昏迷24h、36h和10d后死亡;2例由于心脏病突发抢救无效死亡。结论在临床上加强对糖尿病患者的健康教育,选择适合的治疗药物与治疗方案,同时定期进行血糖检测,都有利于低血糖昏迷的预防。而一旦低血糖昏迷发生后,及时进行治疗,且无合并其他严重疾病,一般患者都可有较好预后。
Objective To explore the clinical treatment of elder patients with hypoglycemic coma. Methods 35 cases of elder patients with hypoglycemic coma admitted into our hospital from February 2007 to March 2012 were selected as objects. As soon as they were confirmed, intravenous access was obtained. Oxygen and 50% of glucose were injected. Results 30cases were become conscious after some minutes or some hours and discharge in a week successively, and 4 cases were significant loss memory and slow in response. 5 cases were died, 3 of them were died after coma for 36h and 10d for too long to treat, and 2 of them were died due to heart attack. Conclusions Strengthen health education for diabetes and select suitable drugs and therapeutic schedule, and exam blood glucose regularly have an effect on the prevention of hypoglyeemic coma. As soon as hypoglycemic coma occurred, they were treated in time and if without any complications, they can have a better prognosis.
Guide of China Medicine
Hypoglycemic coma
Elder patients
Clinical treatment