1999年 10月青海省循化撒拉族自治县发生 1例由输入性脊髓灰质炎 (脊灰 )野病毒引起的病例 ,此病例的发生主要是该县口服脊灰疫苗 (OPV)常规免疫接种率处于低水平 ,OPV强化免疫质量差 ,在较大范围内形成免疫空白人群所致。该县自1992年建立急性弛缓性麻痹 (AFP)病例监测系统以来 ,监测质量和监测敏感性基本上达到世界卫生组织 (WHO)和卫生部的要求。在OPV“扫荡式”免疫活动中 ,经卫生人员逐户调查 ,发现 1997年 1例AFP病例漏报。同时 ,对全省 47个县 (区 )进行AFP病例主动搜索 ,1996年、 1997年均漏报 2例 。
A wild type poliomyelitis case caused by imported virus was detected in Xunhua county, Qinghai Province in Oct. 1999. It attributed mainly to the low level of routine immunization, low quality of supplementary immunization and wide range of unimmunized population of the county. Since 1992, this county had set up acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance system, the surveillance quality and surveillance sensitivity almost had reached the demands of WHO and Ministry of Health. In mopping-up immunization activity, through home by home surveying, an AFP failed reporting case was found out in this county. Meanwhile, an active searching for AFP cases in 47 counties/regions in whole province was carried out, Two AFP failed reporting cases were found out in 1997 as well as in 1996. Since 1998, AFP failed reporting case was no longer found.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization