目的 评价闪光视觉诱发电位 (flashvisualevokedpotential,FVEP)在眼眶手术中视觉功能监护的可行性和可靠性。方法 对 82例临床眼眶手术患者术中行FVEP视觉功能监测 ,以期观察术中视觉功能状况 ,并与术后视觉功能进行分析比较。结果 82例中 ,监护成功 6 9例 ;术中监护与术后视觉功能一致 6 7例 ,一致率 97% ;假阳性 1例 ;假阴性 1例。结论 FVEP应用于眼眶手术中的视觉功能监护 ,能及时发现视神经损伤和手术操作不当 ,可降低手术致盲率。
Objective To evaluate the feasibility and reliability of monitoring visual function with flash visual evoked potential (FVEP) during orbital surgery. Method The visual function of 82 cases was monitored during orbital surgery with FVEP. Of these cases, the intraoperative and postoperative visual functions (IOVF and POVF) were compared. Results Sixty-nine cases were successfully monitored. Sixty-seven cases obtained the accordance of IOVF and POVF, and there were false positive in 1 case and false negative in 1 case. Conclusion Intraoperative monitoring of visual function with FVEP can show the surgical injury of the optic nerve and unsuitable procedures, and decrease the surgical blind rate.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology