目的分析淮安市2007—2011年甲乙类传染病的发病情况,掌握流行规律,为制定传染病防治策略提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学研究的方法,对淮安市2007—2011年甲乙类传染病疫情监测资料进行统计分析。结果 2007—2011年淮安市共报告甲乙类传染病21种,计35 362例,死亡101例,年平均发病率为135.02/10万,年平均死亡率为0.39/10万,年平均病死率为0.29%。肠道传染病发病率逐年下降,呼吸道和血源及性传播传染病发病率波动较大,自然疫源及虫媒传染病保持在较低水平。5年间发病数排前5位的分别为肺结核、病毒性肝炎、麻疹、痢疾、梅毒。结论以肺结核为主的呼吸道传染病和以乙型肝炎为主的血源及性传播传染病应为淮安市目前传染病防治的重点,应采取多种预防控制手段,将传染病的发病率控制在更低水平。
[ Objective] To analyze the incidence of Category A and B infectious diseases in I-luaian City from 2007- 2011, to master the epidemic rule, and provide scientific evidence for developing control strategies. [ Methods ] The epidemic data of Category A and B infectious diseases in Huaian City from 2007-2011 were analyzed by descriptive epidemiology method. [ Results] A total of 35 362 cases of 21 kinds of Category A and B infectious diseases were reported in Huaian City from 2007- 2011, with 101 death ca- ses, and the annual average incidence rate was 135.02/100 000, the annual average mortality rate was 0.39/100 000, and the av- erage fatality rate of 0.29%. The incidence rate of intestinal infectious diseases was decreased annually, the incidence ratse of re- spiratory, blood and sexually transmitted infectious diseases fluctuated, the natural foci diseases and vector borne infectious diseases maintained at a low level. The top 5 infectious disease were lung tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, measles, dysentery, syphilis in the last 5 years. [ Conclusion] The major prevention and control diseases are tuberculosis, blood and sexually transmitted infectious dis- eases in Huaian City. It is necessary to adopt a variety of prevention and control measures to control their incidence at a low level.
Occupation and Health
Category A and B infectious diseases
Epidemic analysis
Huaian City