In Tokyo, as residential areas exist in the urban areas and are composed of areas owned by individual land owners, basically spatial changes are brought by redevelopments of each sites conducted by individual circumstances and motivations. Continuous redevelopments and spatial changes can be found dispersedly in areas. Once the spatial change in a certain site occurred in an area as a building, it will be contained in the built environment of the residential area which is defined by residents, planners and designers who will take part in the following spatial changes. In Tokyo, public transportation facilities are well developed, and residents' daily life involves activities such as a slow walking and bicycle, etc. around the place of residence near the public transportation hubs, each living territories are formed in this kind of manner. Considering the maintenance of spatial value in residential areas while understanding transformation of visual local environment in residential areas which focuses on appearance of each spatial change in an area of street will be of significant importance. In this paper, the authors try to describe interactions of spatial changes in existing urban residential areas focusing on utility of players who might take part in the following spatial changes and the method of discrete choice model.