目的 :探讨气功所致精神障碍病人的人格特性、主要发病因素和随访研究。方法 :(1)测定 35例气功师和 2 8例气功所致精神障碍病人的MMPI和EPQ。 (2 )用自行设计气功所致精神障碍相关因素调查表分析其主要发病因素。 (3)对出院诊断为气功所致精神障碍的 5 7例病人进行随访调查。结果 :(1)气功师的MMPI临床量表Hy原始分显著高于常模 ,Hs、D、Pt、Ma原始分显著低于常模。气功所致精神障碍病人MMPI特点与病人临床症状群的诊断相吻合。 (2 )对气功所致精神障碍各种发病因素的Logistic多元回归统计分析得出 ,只有MMPI中Hs、Sc和EPQ中N进入回归方程。 (3) 5 7例随访研究中 ,15例未随访到 ,在随访到的 42例中 ,35例 (83 33 % )改变诊断。结论 :气功操作不当在气功所致精神障碍中仅起诱因作用 ,人格偏差是此病发病的主要因素 ,不支持将气功所致精神障碍作为单独的疾病单元分类。
Objective: To explore main cause and classification of mental disorders induced by Qigong and personality of patients with mental disorder induced by Qigong. Method: 35 Qigong masters and 28 patients with mental disorders induced by Qigong were tested by MMPI and EPQ. Other 57 patients with same disorders and discharged from Jan. 1984 and Jan 1997 were followed. Results: Hy subscore of MMPI in Qigong masters was significantly higher than normal, their Hs, D, Pt and Ma subscores were lower than normal. The feature of MMPI in patients was related to their syndromes. The diagnosis of 83.3% patients in follow up group were changed after discharge. Conclusion: Abnormal personality was an obvious trait in patients with mental disorders induced by Qigong. Inappropriate exercise was another factor inducing episode. Our follow up study did not support Mental Disorders induced by Qigong as an independent union of mental disorders.
Chinese Mental Health Journal