Objective: To analysis the human leukocyte antigen DRB1 (HLADRB1)alleles genotypes and the biomarkers of vascular endothelial injury of rheumatoid arthritis(RA) patientsin Jingzhou area of Hubei. Method: DNA amplification with sequence-specific primers PCR(PCRSSP)was used to determine HLA-DRB1*0401-08,*0101-04 and *1001 genotypes of 86 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 52 normal controls. The concentrations of the biomarkers of vascular endothelial injury, vWF and sVCAM-1, were detected with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Compared with other genotypes, the frequency of DRB1*0405 was higher both in RA patients and normal controls. The frequency of DRB1*0405 in RA patients was higher than in normal controls (P<0.05). The concentrations of vWF and sVCAM-1 in RA patients of DRB1*0405 and other genotypes were higher than in normal controls (P<0.05).Compared with the * 01 or(and) *10 genotype group and normal controls,the concentration of sVCAM1 was higher in *04 RA patients(P<0.05). Conclusion: The frequency of HLADRB1*0405 genotype was higher in RA patients in this area. RA patients had vascular endothelial injury.
Chinese Journal of Microcirculation