Health care workers are among the high-risk populations for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection as they have more opportunities exposing to blood or other body fluids from HBV infected patients. The main routes of HBV infection are needle sticks or sharp injuries for health care workers. Vaccination is the most ef- fective measure to prevent HBV infection in this population. The prevalence of HBsAg varies because of differ- ent immunization strategies and vaccination coverage rates of health care workers in different regions. In Europe such as France, all of the health care workers except housekeeping and supporting staff must be vaccinated compulsorily and the vaccination coverage rate reached up to 97.0%, which resulted in a quick decrease in HBV infection. In America such as United States, each medical facility is required to provide hepatitis B vac- cine free for its health care workers. In 2006, the vaccination coverage rate in USA was 90.05% and HBV in- fection rate (1.0 × 10^- 4 ) was lower than that in general population (5.0 × 10^-4). In East Mediterranean countries such as Pakistan, the vaccination coverage rate in health care workers was 73.4% but no immuniza- tion strategy for them was found. The relatively high vaccination coverage rate decreased the rate of HBsAg carrier to 0.6%-2.2%, lower than that in the regular population (6.0%). In Africa such as Uganda, only 6.2% of health care workers had history of HBV vaccination, and HBsAg carrier rate was as high as 9.0%. Uganda is currently drafting hepatitis B vaccination strategies for health care workers. In Western Pacific area such as Hong Kong and Taiwan of China, the vaccination coverage rates in health care workers were 85.0% and 73.7% respectively, but the vaccination strategies were unclear. In 2009, we investigated the HBV infec- tion status in 3 126 health care workers in Jilin province of China, and the positive rates of HBsAg and anti- HBc were 1.4% and 33.4%, respectively, which were lower than that in common adult populati
Chinese Journal of Viral Diseases