跟随导师舒尚义主任临床实践中 ,对导师1997年 4月至 1998年 12月间辨治的 150例类风湿性关节炎进行分析总结 ,将本病分为 :1 实证 :①风寒湿痹、寒湿夹瘀型 ,②风湿热痹、郁热伤阴型 ,③风寒湿痹、复感外邪型 ,④风寒湿痹、寒热错杂型、⑤风寒湿痹 ,瘀血阻滞型 (从寒化和热化 ) ;2 虚证 :①风寒湿痹 ,肝脾两虚型、②风寒湿痹 ,肝脾肾虚型〔1〕〔2〕进行辨证施治 ,其结果总有效率达 98%。
To treat 150 cases of rheumatoid arthritis by therapy with syndrome differentiation following the tutor Shu shangyi in clinical practice during 1997,4-1998,12. These cases were differentially diagnosed for their syndrome types as:1.Sthenia syndrome:①FengHanShiBi、HanShiJiaYu type,②FengShiRiBi、YuReShangYin type,③Feng Han ShiBi、FuGanWaiXie type,④Feng Han ShiBi、HanReChuoZha type,⑤FengHanShiBi、YuXueZhuZhi type.2.Asthenia syndrome:①FengHanShiBi、GuanPiNianXu type,②FengHanShiBi、GuanPiShengXu type.The total effective rate was 98%.
Yunnan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica