目的 了解某市厂企生产性毒物作业危害现状及其危害程度。方法 对其辖区 117间厂企 2 3种常见毒物的 15 12个监测点按毒物毒性、毒物类别、厂企行政隶属、8种最常见毒物的超标点进行作业分级。结果 毒性级别以Ⅰ、Ⅱ级为主 ,毒性越强危害作业级别越大 ;毒物类别以金属与类金属和有机溶剂为主 ;行政隶属以中央、省属厂企为主 ;最常见的毒物是铅。结论 某市有毒作业危害的程度不算严重。
Objective To study the toxic hazard rating. Methods 1 512 monitorious points for 23 sorts of the common poison in 117 enterprises were studied. Results The rank of toxical works was found to be in Ⅰ, Ⅱ mostly, the stronger the chemical toxicity, the higher rank of toxical the work would be. The category included metals, metalloids and organic solvent mostly and the leading poison would be lead. Enterprises with toxical works were mostly under national and provincial control. Conclusion The toxic hazard rating in Shaoguan was not so severe.
China Occupational Medicine