In the face-word Stroop paradigm,a Stroop effect has been observed in the facial expression naming task as well as in the emotional word classification task. Those results suggest that the new emotional Stroop task may fail to show Stroop asymmetry,which is a hallmark of the color-word Stroop task. Is the face-word Stroopeffect non-analogous to the color-word Stroop effect after all? The purpose of this study is to investigate the interference effect in the face word Stroop task. The Chinese words "愉快"("yukuai",means being happy) or "恐惧"("kongju"means being fearful) were written in red letters across the faces,resulting in an affective congruent or incongruent matching. A total of 40 stimuli were used. Each picture was presented two times,with a duration of 150ms or 1500ms,resulting in a block of 80 randomized trials out of which 40 were congruent and the remaining 40 were incongruent. There are four blocks,including two "word task"blocks and two "face task"blocks. The sequence was counterbalanced with an order of ABBA and BAAB. During the interval of two blocks,the participant had a short break. All of them completed 320 trials in four blocks. All trials were presented in random order for each participant. Each trial began with the presentation of a fixation for 400ms. After a random inter-stimulus interval (ISI) between 400 and 600 ms,the targets appeared in the center with a duration of 150ms or 1500ms. The participant should respond as quickly and accurately as possible once the "?"appeared in the center. With a varying ISI of1800 to 2300ms,the next trial began. The E-prime software package was used for the stimulus presentation and data acquisition. Reaction times (RTs) and accuracy percentages were analyzed in 2 (task: word vs. face) × 2 (congruency between face and word: incongruent vs. congruent) × 2 (stimuli duration:150ms vs.1500ms) ANOVAs. For the RTs data,there was a significant interaction between congruency and task. The int
Journal of Psychological Science