The infringement of trademark is limited to production field by the Trademark Law, so the law treats the sale of goods as a single kind of infringement. This mode evokes different opinions on the nature of the behavior of sale of goods among scholars ; they focus on whether it belongs to the direct infringement or indirect infringement. To determine the scope of the trademark exclusive rights, we should choose the prohibition right of the trademark rights as our foundation; at the same time, and we should choose the concept of the "use of trademarks~' as the standard to distinguish these two kinds of infringement. The behavior of sale of goods should be qualified as the act of use of trademark, therefore it should be a kind of direct infringement. However, this mode causes disorder of the system of trademark infringement and trademark rights. There may lead to chaos in the legislation, judicature and academic research. Therefore, we should restitute the nature of the behavior sale of goods to the use of trademark.
Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
sale infringement
direct infringement
indirect infringement
use of trademark