
先秦两汉舜故事南方版本发展与潇水流域的政治进程——兼论零陵九疑舜陵舜庙的实体化 被引量:2

On the Development of the Southern Version of the Story of Sage King Shun from the Pre-Qin Days to the Han Dynasty and the Political Course in the Xiao River Basin
摘要 舜故事中有一个引人注目的问题,即舜死苍梧,葬于九疑,这是汉代以后对于舜死及葬地的主流说法,也得到后世各王朝的普遍承认。但作为华夏集团的首领,其葬地远在长江珠江分水岭地区,难免令人生疑。分析可知,舜故事的定型文本整体呈现嵌套、混合的双重结构,可能是由北、南两个地方性版本发展而来的。舜葬九疑说是南方版本关于舜葬地的描述。舜故事南方版本在春秋时期因陈楚交往而产生,随着南岭北部边缘潇水流域战国到汉的政治进程而日趋流行,其中秦始皇派10万大军戍守九疑、汉武帝在零陵置郡,都起了关键作用。司马迁撰写《五帝本纪》时选择了九疑说,在文本上对其进一步强化。王莽在九疑山修建舜陵舜庙,最终将之实体化。国家祀典确立,舜葬九疑说遂成历代正统。 It is recorded that Shun died in Cangwu and was buried in Jiuyi mountain,as a mainstream view that has attracted wide attention of scholars and received the recognition in later dynasties.However,the view that Shun was buried at the watershed of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River really arouses people ’s suspicions.Through analysis,one can tell that,the final version of the story of Shun displays a dual structure of nesting and mixing,which might be attributable to the development of the southern and northern versions.According to the southern one,Shun was buried at Jiuyi.It took shape as the result of the communication between the countries Chen and Chu dated back to the warring state period and began to flourish due to the transition from the war ring states,which were located at the north of Nanling Mountains and by the Xiao River,to the Han dynasty.The fact that 100,000 soldiers were stationed at Jiuyi for the demand of the empire Qin Shihuang and a juris diction institution was established at Ling Ling and played a key role.Sima Qian adopted this story in his book called ‘Biographic Sketches of Five Emperors’ and gave a vivid description.Wang Mang materialized this story by building a Temple of Shun on Jiuyi Mountain.Moreover,the establishment of national sacrifice ceremony ensures the validity of the story that Shun was buried at Jiuyi.
作者 于薇
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期117-125,160,共9页 Academic Research
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目"流域地缘关系过程与中国传统政治地理"(40901076) 中山大学高校基本科研业务费青年教师培育项目"‘界线’与‘过渡带’:南岭地区历史政治地理问题研究"的阶段性成果 高校基本科研业务费中山大学重大项目培育项目"南岭历史地理研究"(13WKJC05) 中山大学人文高等研究院驻院学人计划资助
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  • 1汉·司马迁.《史记》,《五帝本纪第一》卷1,第31-44页. 被引量:1
  • 2《陈杞世家第六》卷36,第1575,1582页. 被引量:1
  • 3《秦始皇本纪第六》卷6,第260页,北京.中华书局,1959年. 被引量:1
  • 4《山海经》,《海内南经》第10,第55页. 被引量:1
  • 5《海内经》第18,第74,75页,上海.商务印书馆,四部丛刊初编缩印江安傅氏双鉴楼藏明成化本刊本. 被引量:1
  • 6《礼记·檀弓上》,唐·孔颖达.《礼记正义》卷7,清·阮元.《十三经注疏》,北京.中华书局,1980年,第1281页. 被引量:1
  • 7汉·班固.《汉书》,《楚元王传第六》卷36,第1952页. 被引量:1
  • 8《武帝纪第六》卷6,第196页. 被引量:1
  • 9《景十三王传第二十三》卷53,第2426-2427页. 被引量:1
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