A Command Receiver is an important signal processing component which works for a certain type missile. It means a lot in the process of signal transmission and processing. To ensure that receiver works steadily, as it carries out performance detection, is very necessa- ry. Designing an Automatic Test System for a receiver based on PXI bus and GPIB bus is significant in assessing and extending the life of a certain type of missile. ATS performance is validated in the following respects: greater efficiency based on PXI bus and GPIB bus, accurate test results, excellent stability, easy maintenance, and friendly graphical user interface. Its direct voltage is 5V (1A). 6.3V (500mA), medium frequency power supply is I kHz/127V. 20W, ambient humidity is --20℃~+50℃, both the hardware and software test can sat- isfy the series request such as uncertainty.
Computer Measurement &Control