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4Miguel A C G, Carlos D H, Jose M De F, et al. Requirements, design concepts and cerlifi('alim crileria of the .400M composite structural elemenls. SEICOI2 SAMPE Europe 33rd International Conlerence and Forum, Paris, 2012. 被引量:1
6Black S. A400M cargo dor. Out of the autoclave. High-Perwmanve" ompsiles,2007, 5:60-63. 被引量:1
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8Rleo tl C. Fernandez P L, Vazquez l/ C. The A400M final assembly line indusirializalian using tht" lares! ,tate of the art technologies. SI'ICOI2 SAMPI!; Iqurcq,e 33rd lnlm'national (]onfirence and I"orttm, Paris, 2012. 被引量:1
9Triper A M G, Serrano P A G. lse of new tesl onlrl equipmenl lehniques for fill] scale lesl : A4OOM. SEICO12 SAMPE Europe 33rd lnlernalional Gonferenee and Forum, Paris, 2012. 被引量:1