目的:探讨"脾胃阳虚证"方药配伍规律。方法:以《中医方剂大辞典》为线索,筛选治疗"脾胃阳虚证"方剂203首,采取"Excel数据透视表","SQL Server 2005_DMAddin关联规则","spss17.0因子分析"等方法,进行数据分析。结果:治疗"脾胃阳虚证"方剂中,温里药、补气药分别占整个用药23%、20%,而补阳药仅占用药2%;出现频次超过60次的药物是炙甘草、白术、人参、干姜、厚朴、附子等;关联性较为重要的药物是干姜、白术、人参、炙甘草、附子等;排名较前公因子分别代表"补气药"集合,"理气活血化湿药"集合,"温里药"集合等。结论:"脾胃阳虚证"治疗方剂由"温里药"、"补气药"配伍"理气药","芳香化湿药"等而成,基础方为"人参、白术、干姜、炙甘草、附子、诃子、茯苓、厚朴"。
Objective To analyze the composition of prescription of deficiency of spleen and stomach yang.Method The autors filtered 203 prescriptions from Dictionary of Prescriptions TCM,and analyzed by Excel Pivot Table,Association Rules of SQL Server 2005_DMAddin,and Factor Analysis of Spss17.0.Result In the prescriptions,drugs for Dispelling Internal Cold are 23%,Qi Tonics are 20%,but Yang Tonics only are 2%.It surpass 60 that the frequency of Ginseng,Dried Ginger,Radix Glycyrrhiza,and Aconite etc.Gin seng,Atractylodes Macrocephala,Dried Ginger,Prepared Radix Glycyrrhiza,and Aconite etc are important at association.The previous factors are replaced by aggregation of drugs for Dispelling Internal Cold and Qi Tonics etc.Conclusion the composition of its prescrip tions were formed mainly by drugs for Dispelling Internal Cold,and Qi Tonics,plus Drugs for Regulating the Flow of Qi,and Fragrant Dampness-resolving Drugsetc.The basis formula is Ginseng,Atractylodes Macrocephala,Dried Ginger,Prepared Radix Glycyrrhiza etc.
Journal of Jiangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine