
软件定义网络研究综述 被引量:72

Survey on software defined network research
摘要 现有网络设备支持的协议体系庞大,导致高度复杂,不仅限制了IP网络的技术发展,更无法满足当前云计算、大数据和服务器虚拟化等应用趋势。软件定义网络(SDN)作为一种最新网络架构,对网络设备控制面、转发面和应用层功能进行重新定义抽象,使得网络设备软件可编程,有望改变上述局面。介绍了OpenFlow技术的产生背景、特点及发展现状,分析了基于OpenFlow的SDN体系结构和平台设计的关键技术,并探究了SDN技术在网络管理自动化、光网络传输与IP承载的统一控制、无线网络的平滑切换、网络虚拟化和QoS保证等方向的应用。 Due to the support of enormous network protocols, IP network device results in high complexity. Not only does it limit the IP network technology development, will not be able to meet the current application trend of cloud computing, big da- ta and server virtualization. Software defined networking (SDN) as a latest network norm making network device programmable with the abstraction redefinition of control plane is expected to solve above issues. This paper introduced the background, characteristics and development status of OpenFlow, it analyzed OpenFlow-based SDN architecture and key technologies. Fur- thermore, it discussed different SDN research directions, such as the automation of network management, the unified control of optical transmission and IP bearing, smooth switching in wireless network, network virtualization and QoS assurance.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期2246-2251,共6页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61101139) 福建省杰出青年基金资助项目(2012J06015) 福建省重大专项专题项目(2011HZ0002-1)
关键词 软件定义网络 OpenFlow 网络虚拟化 管理自动化 QOS software defined networking(SDN) OpenFlow network virtualization management automation quality of service(QoS)
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