Premenstrual syndrome is the commonly and frequently encountered disease of child - bearing period women. Liver-qi invasion as well as liver - qi depression is its major syndrome. Although the PMS pathogenesis is not clearly understood, liver- regulating method has obvious effect. Most of the researches have focused on the MAPK signal pathway which is closely linked with the occurrence and repair of nervous system injury. But it is short of related studies about pathogenesis of PMS and MAPK signal pathway until now. It is well known that regulating liver formula can protect hippocampus against the stressed injury. PMS liver - qi invasion regulating center is located in hippocampus. Research has shown that regulating liver formula Jingqianping Granule can regulate JIK and other important genes expressions of MAPK pathways. These findings suggest that the abnormal ac- tive state of MAPK pathways is closely related to the pathogenesis of PMS, but there is lack of correlative research information un- til now. Here is to introduce correlation between MAPK pathways and PMS pathogenesis, with expectation to provide references on neural and biochemical micromechanism for PMS.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine