目的 探讨前部增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变 (proliferativevitreoretinopathy ,PVR)视网膜脱离的临床特点及其手术治疗效果。方法 分析C~D级PVR视网膜脱离患者 83例 (83只眼 ) ;并针对其前部和后部病变 ,采用不同的手术方法进行治疗。结果 83例视网膜脱离患者中 ,前部PVR 34只眼 ,占 41 0 % ;后部PVR 49只眼 ,占 5 9 0 %。发病年龄前者较轻 ,平均 2 8 5岁 ;后者 38 9岁。前者男性较多 ,占 85 3% ;后者占 6 3 3%。前者多伴有D级PVR ,占 5 5 9% ;后者占 2 4 5 %。 83例患者术后平均随访 12 9个月 ,前部和后部PVR眼中视网膜完全复位者分别为 :前者 2 4只眼 ,占 70 6 % ;后者 38只眼 ,占 77 6 % (χ2 =0 5 1,P >0 1)。末次随访矫正视力≥ 0 0 5者分别为 :前者 11只眼 ,占 32 4% ;后者 2 2只眼 ,占 44 9% (χ2 =1 32 ,P >0 1)。结论 前部PVR视网膜脱离患者临床特点与后部PVR者不同 ,前者手术条件较差。但经现代玻璃体视网膜手术治疗 。
Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and surgical results of retinal detachment in eyes with anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) Methods 83 patients (83 eyes) of retinal detachment with grade C D PVR were studied Different surgical methods were used in treating anterior PVR and posterior PVR, respectively Results Among the 83 patients, anterior PVR was in 34 eyes (41 0%) and posterior PVR 49 eyes (59 0%) The anterior PVR occurred in younger patients, mean age 28 5 years, more in male patients (85 3%) and more in grade D of PVR (55 9%); in the posterior PVR, the mean age was 38 9 years, 63 3% of patients were male and 24 5% of patients were in grade D of PVR Eighty three patients had a mean postoperative follow up of 12 9 months Complete retinal re attachment occurred in 24 eyes (70 6%) with anterior PVR and in 38 eyes with posterior PVR (77 6%; χ 2=0 51, P>0 1) The final corrected visual acuity ≥0 05 was in 11 eyes with anterior PVR (32 4%) and in 22 eyes with posterior PVR (44 9%; χ 2=1 32 , P>0 1) Conclusions Eyes with anterior PVR have different clinical characteristics and worse surgical conditions when compared with eyes of posterior PVR However, by the use of modern vitreoretinal surgery, the outcome in eyes with anterior PVR may become similar to that of posterior PVR
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology