
中国儿童青少年1995—2010年皮褶厚度和体脂率变化情况 被引量:12

Secular changes of skinfold thickness and percentages of body fat among Chinese children and adolescents during 1995-2010
摘要 目的分析中国学龄儿童青少年1995—2010年间肱三头肌和肩胛下皮褶厚度和体脂率的变化,为建立更科学的青少年超重/肥胖评价体系提供依据。方法抽取来自1995年和2010年全国学生体质健康调研的北京等13个省和直辖市,共82 921和93 264名7~18岁汉族中小学生。检测指标为肱三头肌和肩胛下皮褶厚度,分大城市、中小城市、富裕乡村、中下乡村4个社会经济群体计算体脂率。结果 1995—2010年肱三头肌皮褶厚度增幅男生为1.36 mm/10 a,女生为1.05 mm/10 a;肩胛下皮褶厚度增幅男生为1.07 mm/10 a,女生为0.67 mm/10 a。男肱三头肌皮褶厚度7~12岁期间增长迅猛;女生从青春中期开始两处皮褶厚度逐步显著超过男生。1995年4个社会经济群体体脂率顺次为大城市>中小城市>富裕乡村>中下乡村;15 a间富裕乡村、中小城市增速最迅猛,各群体间差异显著缩小。2010年4个群体体脂率男生分别为18.6%,16.9%,16.0%和13.9%,女生分别为21.9%,20.5%,20.4%和18.5%;男、女增幅分别为1.42%和0.91%/10 a。结论应及时分析我国青少儿群体及其亚群的体脂率迅猛增长原因及其带来的不利影响,提出相应的预防、应对策略和措施。 Objective To analyze the changes of triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness and to estimate the increase of body fat percentages among Chinese school-age children and adolescents during the period of 1995-2010. Methods The subjects were separately selected from the 1995 and 2010 Chinese National Survey on Students' Constitution and Health. In total there were 82 921 and 93 264 Han students aged 7-18 years, and were re-divided into four socioeconomic groups: Costal big city, moderate and small city, phosphorus rural, and underdeveloping rural. Percentages of the body fat were calculated by using the ChanglingBrozek equations. Results From 1995 to 2010, the increments of the triceps were 1.36 and 1.05 mm/10 y, and the increments of the subscapular were 1.07 and 0.67 mm/10 y, for males and females, respectively. The increments of male' s triceps skinfold thickness were especially swift during the 7-to 12-year period, while the sum of the two skinfold thickness among the females grad- uately exceeded that of the males since the mid-puberty. In 1995, the highest percentage of body fat was found in the big city group, and successfully then the moderate and small city, the prosphorus rural and the underdeveloping rural, for both males and females. On the other hand, the most swift increase of the percentage of body fat in the 15-year period were found in the phosphorus rural and the moderate and small city groups; making the gaps among the four groups significantly decreased. In 2010, the percentage of the body fat were successfully 18.6%, 16.9%, 16.0% and 13.9% for males, and were 21.9%, 20.5%, 20.4% and 18.5% for females. The average increments were 1.42% per decade for males and 0.91% per decade for females, respectively. Conclusion The factors for causing the swift increase of the percentage of body fat for the Chinese children and adolescents and their subgroups and the unflavored influences of the high skinfold thickness should be analyzed timely, and corresponding improving strategies and measures should
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第7期772-778,共7页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 国家自然科学基金(30972495-81001249)
关键词 皮脂 体脂肪率 人体质量指数 生长和发育 青少年 Sebum Adiposity Body mass index Growth and development Adolescent
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