
复合规制:媒介融合时代的规制模式探微 被引量:16

Compound Regulation:Exploring the Regulation Model in Media Convergence Era
摘要 建构适应媒介融合时代的规制模式不仅是一种迫切的现实需求,也是一种重要的理论探讨。本文认为当前规制主体和对象更加多元化,规制过程更加复杂化,规制类型日渐多重和方式也更加综合,因此,亟需改变基于行业区隔的规制思维,突破单一的政府规制模式,建构复合规制模式,内容规制和结构规制也需转型,规制方式向联合模式转变。 It's a pressing demand for media practice and an important theory issue to construct new regulationmodel in media convergence era. The paper explores the challenges for regulation, and argues that regulation agents and objects are diversifying, the process of regulation becomes more complicated, the type of regulation is multiple and the way of regulation is synthesizing, then the sector specific regulation should to be changed, government mono-regulation model should be modified, compound regulation should be constructed, content regulation and constructional regulation are also changing, the way of regulation is converting to co-regulation.
作者 李继东
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期126-133,共8页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"新形势下中国影视文化发展创新研究"(项目编号:11BC024)最终成果的一部分~~
关键词 规制 媒介融合 转型 政府 自律 regulation, media convergence, transformation, government, self-regulation
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