Carbon gasification is an important step for the carbothermic reduction of iron oxides. For the purpose of revealing the mechanism of the factors impacting the carbon gasification thermodynamics, it conducted theoretical analysis on the impact of temperature on equilibrium constant and equilibrium CO pressure fraction, and the impact of stored energy for carbon on equilibrium constant, temper- ature and CO pressure fraction, as well as the total pressure and the partial pressure of inert gas on the equilibrium temperature and CO pressure fraction. Result shows that given the temperature/stored energy fixed, equilibrium constant increases with the increase of stored energy/temperature. Given the stored energy, when the total pressure and the partial pressure of inert gas are fixed, the equilib- rium CO pressure fraction increases with the increase of temperature. Given the temperature, when the total pressure and partial pres- sure of inert gas are fixed, the equilibrium CO pressure fraction increases with the increase of stored energy, which leads to the de- crease of the equilibrium temperature for reaching an equal level of CO pressure fraction under certain total pressure and partial pressure of inert gas. Given the temperature, when the stored energy and partial pressure of inert gas are fixed, if only the total pressure, partial pressure of inert gas, and equilibrium constant satisfy ceratin algebraic relation by their values, the equilibrium CO pressure fraction in- creases/decreases with the increase of the total pressure, subsequently leading to the decrease/increase of the equilibrium temperature for reaching an equal level of CO pressure fraction under certain stored energy and partial pressure of inert gas. Given the temperature, when the stored energy and total pressure are fixed, the equilibrium CO pressure fraction decreases with the increase of the partial pres- sure of inert gas, which leads to the increase of the equilibrium temperature for reaching an equal level of equilibrium CO pressure frac-
Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology
carbon gasification, thermodynamics, stored energy, CO pressure fraction, total pressure, partial pressure of inert gas