通过自腐蚀电位(Ecorr)、交流阻抗谱等电化学方法,研究了稀土铈(Ce)对X80钢在内蒙古伊克昭盟土壤模拟溶液中腐蚀行为的影响.实验结果表明,当Ce的质量分数为0.006 2%时X80钢的耐蚀性最强,但随着稀土含量的增加,X80钢的耐蚀性不再提高;随着腐蚀浸泡时间的延长,试样的腐蚀率先增加后降低.X80钢的腐蚀主要呈现不均匀腐蚀,而X80Ce钢发生了较均匀的腐蚀现象,腐蚀产物的XRD分析表明,两种钢的腐蚀产物主要为FeOOH、Fe2O3和Fe3O4.
The effect of cerium (Ce) on the corrosion behavior of X80 steel in the soil simulated solution in Yimeng was studied by u- sing free corrosion potential and electrochemical method. The results showed that the corrosion-resistance of X80 steel with 0. 006 2 percent Ce was the best. But with the increase of the Ce content, the corrosion resistance of X80 steel no longer increased. The corro- sion rate of the sample increased firstly and then reduced with the extension of the corrosion immersion time. The X80 steel corrosion was mainly characterized by uneven corrosion , and the X80Ce steel was uniformly corroded . The corrosion products of X80Ce steel mainly consist of FeOOH, Fe203 and Fe3O4 as shown by XRD analysis.
Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology