OBJECTIVE:To investigate the writing of medication orders and rational use of drugs in the inpatient medical records of our hospital. METHODS: 762 medical records of 762 cases during random medication checking activity carried out in our hospital from January 2011 to December 2012 were analyzed statistically with regard to the standardization of the writing of medication orders and the rationality of clinical use of drugs. RESULTS: Of the 762 cases, non-standard writing and irrationality medicating in varying degrees were noted in 529 cases. Non-standard writing was noted in the writing of drug names, specifications of dosage forms and dosage & administration. The non- rational use of drugs included irrationality in choice of drugs, dosage & administration, route of administration, drug combination or choice of solvents or nonstandard use of antibiotics. CONCLUSION : The rationality of use of drugs and writing of medication orders in the inpatient medical records had serious problems which await close cooperation between medical quality control management department and clinical pharmacists by intensifying prescription checking so as to improve both clinical rational use of drugs and the quality of writing of medication orders.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Non-standard writing of medication orders
Non-rational use of drugs
Inpatient medical record