
饮食治疗在妊娠糖尿病中的运用 被引量:6

The apphication of diee therapy on gestational diabetes mellitus
摘要 目的通过饮食治疗使妊娠糖尿病患者的血糖达到理想的范围,预防妊娠期高血压疾病、羊水过多、巨大儿及减少早产、流产与难产的发生。方法患者分为两组,一组为饮食治疗组35例,通过营养师计算,由厨房特膳师傅专门制作的饮食,另外一组为对照组,均为通过饮食宣教,孕妇自行进行饮食控制。两组均监测饮食控制前后空腹血糖,餐后2h血糖数值变化。结果饮食治疗组35例GDM患者通过饮食控制后的血糖水平较治疗前水平明显下降(P<0.01),差异有统计学意义,对照组治疗前后血糖水平无明显改变(P>0.05),差异无统计学意义。结论积极有效的饮食治疗对保护妊娠期糖尿病孕妇及胎婴的健康具有重要的作用。能够有效的降低孕妇及胎婴在整个妊娠期间并发症的发生。 Objective Make the blood sugar of the patients with gestational diabetes to the normal level through dietary therapy,prevent the patients from pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome,polyhydramnios,giant baby,the happen of premature birth,miscarriage and difficult labour. Method The patients were divided into two groups,one group with 35 cases for dietary therapy,their food was special designed by nutritionist and made by chef; another group is for compare,they only receive nutrition propaganda and education, and their food is controlled by themselves. The fasting blood sugar and postprandial 2h blood sugar index have been checked for both groups. Result each patient from the dietary therapy group had a lower blood sugar level after dietary therapy (P 0.01),the difference has statistical significance; the compare group has no obvious changes in blood sugar level after therapy (P 0.05),the difference has no statistical significance. the dietary therapy is indispensible for patients with gestational diabetes. The dietary therapy plays an important part in comprehensive treatment of gestational diabetes.
作者 刘梅 胡石奇
出处 《中国实用医药》 2013年第20期58-59,共2页 China Practical Medicine
关键词 妊娠糖尿病 饮食治疗 血糖 Gestational diabetes Dietary therapy Blood sugar
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