目的通过对正常人心率减速力和心率变异性的分析,探讨不同年龄不同性别人群自主神经功能的变化规律。方法随机选取正常人150例,根据年龄将研究对象分为3组,A组56例,年龄30~49岁,B组54例,年龄50~69岁,C组40例,年龄≥70岁。全部做24h动态心电图监测,采集心率减速力(DC)、心率加速力(AC)、心率变异的低频(LF)、高频(HF)、总体标准差(SDNN)、静息心率(RHR)、平均心率(AHR)、夜间心率(NHR)进行统计分析。结果 50~69岁组与30~49岁组比:DC、AC、LF、HF、SDNN均值均减低。≥70岁组与50~69岁组比:DC、AC、LF、HF、SDNN均值显著减低。≥70岁组与50~69岁组比较:RHR、AHR均值减低。男女性别组无统计学意义。结论正常人随着年龄的增高交感神经与迷走神经的张力逐渐下降,心率逐渐减低,以静息心率和平均心率减低更为明显,男女性别组无明显差异。
Objective By normal human Deceleration capacity of heart rate and heart rate variability analysis,Explore the variation of different ages and gender crowd autonomic function.Methods Randomly selecting 150 cases of normal people,based on the age of the research subjects were divided into three groups,A group of 56 patients,aged 30~49 year old,B group of 54 patients,aged 50~69 year old,C group of 40 patients,aged ≥ 70 year old.All done 24h Holter monitoring,collecting Deceleration capacity of heart rate(DC),Acceleration capacity of heart rate(AC),low frequency(LF)and high frequency(HF)of heart rate variability,SDNN,resting heart rate(RHR),average heart rate(AHR),night heart rate(NHR)for statistical analysis.Results Comparing the group of 50~69 year old with the 30~49 year old:the mean of DC,AC,LF,HF,SDNN reduced.Comparing the group of ≥ 70 year old with the 50~69 year old:the mean of DC,AC,LF,HF,SDNN has a significant reduction.Comparing the group of ≥ 70 year old with the 50~69 year old:the mean of RHR,AHR reduced.And all the means have no statistically significant between male and female's group.Conclusion The tension of sympathetic and vagal gradually decreased as the age increased in normal,heart rate gradually reduced,the resting heart rate and the average heart rate reduced more obviously,and no significant differences between male and female's group.
Journal of Clinical Electrocardiology
Deceleration capacity of heart rate
heart rate variability
autonomic nervous