The performance of a BTES (borehole thermal energy storage) system is primarily governed by ground heat flux, soil thermal properties and groundwater conditions. However, the design of the heat exchanger used within the BTES system can also make a significant difference in the efficiency of the system. A thermal response test was carded out for a Kelix GHE (ground heat exchanger) system, the latest innovation in geothermal ground loop construction, on an Ecofarm in the town of Caledon East, Ontario, Canada. In addition, a verifying test was performed for a CEES (conventional earth energy system) located 6 m away from the Kelix GHE. The boreholes for these two different heat exchanger designs were drilled with the same diameter, to the same depth and were located in the same/identical geo-hydrological conditions. The response test provided the effective average of undisturbed ground temperature, geothermal properties including thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal resistance between the fluid and the borehole wall. The mathematical analysis method used for the response test is presented here. Results of the response test were verified, analyzed and are further discussed.