目的 介绍利用“2× 4”方丝弓矫治器矫治替牙期下颌后退的临床应用方法 ,探讨下颌后退的矫治时机及“2× 4”矫治器的特点。方法 通过在第一磨牙上装配带环、在切牙上粘贴托槽、利用较细的圆丝及颌间 类牵引 ,解决下颌后退问题。结果 17例替牙期下颌后退患者应用“2× 4”方丝弓矫治器进行矫治 ,均取得满意的矫治效果。典型病例直观展示了矫治前后的形态改变。结论 下颌后退在替牙期就应及时被纠正。“2× 4”方丝弓矫治器的装配及调节操作简单 ,作用力持久 ,不太影响患者的外观、咀嚼、发音等功能 ,不影响口颌系统的发育 ,能够有效纠正下颌后退畸形 ,并可改善口唇闭合机能 ,具有一定的使用价值。
WT5”BZ]Objective To introduce a clinical operating process for treating mandible dorsal displacement in mixed dentition with “2×4” partial Edgewise appliance, discuss the treatment time of mandible dorsal displacement and the force characteristic of “2×4” partial Edgewise appliance. Method To setup two bands on first molars and bond four brackets on permanent incisors firstly, and release the mandible dorsal displacement with light round wires and Class Ⅱ elastic pull. Results 17 Cases of mandible dorsal displacement were treated by “2×4” partial Edgewise appliances and nice results were obtained. The morphology changes were presented by the typical case. Conclusions The mandible dorsal displacement should be corrected in time in mixed dentition. With the advantages of simple setup process, continuous force, alleviating appearance mastication pronunciation, no blocking the development of oral maxilla system, good correcting of mandible dorsal displacement malformation and improvement of the lips close function, the “2×4” partial Edgewise appliance has a value to be used. [WT5”HZ]
Journal of Clinical Stomatology
国家自然科学基金快速反应项目!资助 :697730 4 2
WT5”BZ]“2×4”partial Edgewise appliances
Mixed dentition
mandible dorsal displacement