

Web services negotiation based on issues classification
摘要 为解决Web服务组合中精确服务匹配的失效问题,基于博弈论讨价还价折扣率模型提出了一种双边服务协商机制.首先,引入中立协商管理者MA作为协商中介,对协商过程进行协同.然后,针对关联议题和独立议题分别进行协商建模,并设计不同的协商协议.对于独立议题,综合应用时间代价、对手提议和协商管理策略对现有协商策略进行改进;对于关联议题,引入关联议题子集概念,关联议题子集内采用投标模型进行协商,而关联议题子集间则采用独立协商方式.实验结果表明,协商策略的改进和协商管理者的引入加速了独立议题的协商过程.基于议题分类的Web服务协商较好地解决了服务协商中多议题关联的问题,与传统的Web服务协商机制相比,不仅可获得更好的社会效用,而且大幅度减少了协商时间. To settle the invalidity of exact service match in web service composition,a new type of service bilateral negotiation mechanism w as proposed,w hich is based on the model of game theory w ith bargaining discount factors.First,negotiation manager(MA) w as introduced in the negotiation mechanism to coordinate and supervise negotiation process.Then,different negotiation models and protocols w ere proposed for independent issues and interdependent ones.For independent issues,time cost,rival proposal and MA’s advice w ere comprehensively applied to improve the existing negotiation strategies.For interdependent issues,the concept of interdependent set w as introduced.The bidding algorithm w as adopted for negotiation in interdependent set,w hile the independent negotiation method w as used betw een interdependent issues sets.The experimental results show that comprehensive strategy and negotiation manager can accelerate the process of negotiation for independent issues.Meanw hile,this negotiation mechanism based on issues classification can solve the problem of interdependent issues.Compared w ith traditional mechanisms,this proposed mechanism can not only attain better social utility but also decrease the negotiation time.
出处 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期706-710,共5页 Journal of Southeast University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61003257 61070158 61070161 61272531 90912002) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2010CB328104) 国家科技重大专项课题资助项目(2009ZX03004) 教育部博士点基金资助项目(200802860031) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2008030)
关键词 Web服务协商 综合协商策略 关联议题 议题分类 Web services negotiation comprehensive negotiation strategy interdependent issues issues classification
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